Heat pumps

Heat pumps are state-of-the-art high-performance green heating devices. The heat pumps can operate using the air-to-water or water-to-water technology. They can be used to supply domestic hot water and/or central heating. Because the heat pump requires electricity to power the compressor, we offer complementing the heat pump with a PV system in order to reduce the draw from the electric grid. With automated controls, the device is able to remotely control and adjust performance to the current heating needs of the building. 
Our solutions are designed to supply heat to residential and public buildings. The trademarks of our systems are high performance and long, trouble-free service life. 

Our offer

  • We are able to conduct comprehensive audits of heating systems, heat sources and heat emitters.
  • We select optimal equipment and simulate the generation and heat demand in the building.
  • We provide a comprehensive service, from the concept and audit through the assembly of the components to operation and maintenance of the system.
  • Our ESCO model is a beneficial business proposition.
  • During the term of the ESCO agreement, we handle the operation, servicing and inspections of the equipment in order to make the system run smoothly and without interruptions. This allows us to ensure high energy savings. 
  • At the client’s request, we are able to continue handling the management and maintenance of the system after the ESCO agreement expires, so that the system keeps performing at the highest level without issues.
  • We can also provide hybrid solutions based on heat pumps (working in combination with the heat supply network or other heat sources).


Pompy ciepła


Energy efficiency service offering where the client is billed on the basis of energy savings generated by implementing the investment and managing the heating system.



Modern heat source with low operating costs


Reducing harmful environmental impact, as the device does not emit flue gas, ash, dust or other pollutants.


Convenience of operation. The heat pump system is completely hands-free and exceptionally reliable. The device is connected to existing systems.


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